Resume: Инженер по ТО ВС (А и РЭО) in Russia, 3892 resume

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Resume 3601—3620
19 November 2020
By agreement, 30 years, male
Симферополь (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 2 years
Last job:
Старший механик группы регламента и ремонта самолетов технико-эксплуатационной части авиационной техники
Воинская часть 59882
May 2018 — May 2020
11 November 2020
By agreement, 27 years, male
Москва (ready to move)
Total flight hours:
291 hours
Last job:
Diamond DA42
August 2015 — July 2020
Типы ВС: Diamond DA42
4 November 2020
By agreement, 31 years, female, 168 см, 60 кг
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 4 years
Last job:
Коммерческие рейсы
January 2020 — till now
3 November 2020
By agreement, 47 years, male
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 19 years
Last job:
Начальник ПДС
ООО "Авиакомпания "Икар"
September 2019 — till now
1 November 2020
From rub / month, 28 years, male
Total work experience:
less than a year
Last job:
Агент по наземному обслуживанию
September 2020 — till now
1 November 2020
By agreement, 33 years, male
Москва (ready to move)
Total flight hours:
450 hours
Last job:
Старший летчик инструктор
ВВС ПВО МО Республики Таджикистан
January 2010 — December 2018
27 October 2020
From rub / month, 28 years, female
Санкт-Петербург (ready to move)
Total work experience:
less than a year
Last job:
Менеджер по работе с клиентами
ООО «Лонгвей»
March 2020 — till now
26 October 2020
From rub / month, 28 years, female
Total work experience:
more than 2 years
Last job:
Бортпроводник CL604
September 2020 — till now
25 October 2020
By agreement, 30 years, female, 160 см, 53 кг
Total work experience:
more than 3 years
Last job:
Бортпроводник бизнес класса
Авиакомпания Аэрофлот
April 2017 — till now
21 October 2020
By agreement, 36 years, male
Комсомольск-на-Амуре (ready to move)
Total flight hours:
606 hours
Last job:
Старший летчик
October 2012 — October 2020
11 October 2020
By agreement, 29 years, female, 165 см
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 11 years
Last job:
Старший бортпроводник
ПАО Аэрофлот
March 2018 — till now
8 October 2020
From rub / month, 55 years, female
Total work experience:
more than 6 years
Last job:
ООО Каголымавиа
August 2012 — July 2019
7 October 2020
By agreement, 43 years, male
Санкт-Петербург (ready to move)
Total flight hours:
3,100 hours
Last job:
Командир ВС
Boeing 757
Министерство Обороны РК
December 2002 — May 2020
Типы ВС: Boeing 757
3 October 2020
By agreement, 32 years, male
Санкт-Петербург (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 2 years
Last job:
Дежурный по сопровождению
May 2018 — till now
1 October 2020
By agreement, 29 years, female, 169 см, 60 кг
Total work experience:
more than 2 years
Last job:
ПАО "Аэрофлот"
August 2018 — till now
1 October 2020
By agreement, 35 years, male, 187 см, 83 кг
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 5 years
Last job:
July 2014 — January 2020
29 September 2020
From rub / month, 32 years, female
Total work experience:
more than 3 years
Last job:
Представитель авиакомпании
April 2016 — December 2017
21 September 2020
By agreement, 29 years, female, 170 см, 55 кг
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 3 years
Last job:
Emirates Airlines
August 2018 — September 2020
21 September 2020
From rub / month, 31 years, female
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 4 years
Last job:
Помощник руководителя
Международный аэропорт «Ульяновск-Восточный»
July 2020 — till now
15 September 2020
By agreement, 28 years, female, 165 см, 57 кг
Санкт-Петербург (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 1 year
Last job:
ОАО АК Уральские авиалинии
May 2019 — May 2020

