Resume: Второй пилот A319 / 320 / 321 in Russia, 2099 resume

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Resume 61—80
22 May 2020
By agreement, 31 years, male
Москва (ready to move)
Total flight hours:
1,470 hours
Last job:
Второй пилот
ООО Аннушка
April 2014 — July 2019
Типы ВС: An-2
13 May 2020
By agreement, 29 years, male
Total flight hours:
1,600 hours
Last job:
Второй пилот
June 2017 — till now
Типы ВС: Mi-8/17
30 January 2020
By agreement, 32 years, male
Краснодар (ready to move)
Total flight hours:
2,000 hours
Last job:
Второй пилот
November 2012 — till now
Типы ВС: Mi-8/17
26 March 2019
By agreement, 50 years, male
Total flight hours:
1,425 hours
Last job:
Второй пилот
Sukhoi Superjet 100
ПАО Аэрофлот
January 2015 — February 2019
Типы ВС: Sukhoi Superjet 100
12 February 2019
By agreement, 30 years, male
Москва (ready to move)
Total flight hours:
150 hours
Last job:
Второй пилот
Let L-410 & L-420
Краснокутское летное училище гражданской авиации
September 2012 — November 2016
Типы ВС: Let L-410 & L-420
6 August 2018
By agreement, 34 years, male
Санкт-Петербург (ready to move)
Total flight hours:
900 hours
Last job:
Второй пилот
Boeing 737 - 6/7/8/900 NG
АО "Авиакомпания "Россия"
May 2016 — till now
Типы ВС: Boeing 737 - 6/7/8/900 NG
3 November 2017
From rub / month, 32 years, male
Москва (ready to move)
Total flight hours:
650 hours
Last job:
Второй пилот
ГАУ Амурской Области "Авиабаза"
January 2016 — till now
Типы ВС: An-2
8 June 2017
By agreement, 58 years, male
Total flight hours:
1,800 hours
Last job:
Второй пилот
Hawker 850XP
Сириус Аэро
April 2012 — April 2016
Типы ВС: Hawker 850XP
2 May 2017
By agreement, 37 years, male
Бийск (ready to move)
Total flight hours:
580 hours
Last job:
Второй пилот Ми-8 Т
Авиакомпания "Бейбарыс"
October 2016 — April 2017
Типы ВС: Mi-8/17
4 April 2016
By agreement, 31 years, male
Санкт-Петербург (ready to move)
Total flight hours:
50 hours
Last job:
Второй пилот
Let L-410 & L-420
Сасовское Лётное училище ГА
January 2014 — February 2015
Типы ВС: Let L-410 & L-420
6 June 2023
By agreement, 38 years, male
Тамбов (ready to move)
Total flight hours:
1,600 hours
Last job:
Второй пилот
Airbus 320
Уральские Авиалинии
August 2021 — August 2022
Типы ВС: Airbus 320, Tu-134
26 February 2018
By agreement, 40 years, male
Санкт-Петербург (ready to move)
Total flight hours:
972 hours
Last job:
Второй пилот
ЗАО АК «Балтийские авиалинии»
July 2017 — till now
Типы ВС: Mi-8/17, Diamond DA42, Mi-8/17
8 July 2017
By agreement, 33 years, male
Краснодар (ready to move)
Total flight hours:
2,699 hours
Last job:
КВС Инструктор C172s
Cessna 170/172
March 2012 — till now
Типы ВС: Cessna 170/172, An-2
21 September 2024
By agreement, 42 years, male
Краснодар (ready to move)
Total flight hours:
1,038 hours
Last job:
Командир вертолета ми 24
October 2010 — May 2017
Типы ВС: Mi-8/17
26 June 2024
By agreement, 38 years, male
Москва (ready to move)
Total flight hours:
1,360 hours
Last job:
Второй пилот
ООО "Авиакомпания Рада"
January 2021 — till now
Типы ВС: IL-62, An-2, An-2
22 January 2024
By agreement, 24 years, male
Москва (ready to move)
Total flight hours:
136 hours
Last job:
КВС \ Второй пилот
Diamond DA20/DA40
Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет гражданской авиации (БЛУ ГА (колледж) – филиал ФГБОУ ВО СПбГУ ГА)
August 2020 — April 2022
Типы ВС: Diamond DA20/DA40
9 April 2019
By agreement, 29 years, male
Омск (ready to move)
Total flight hours:
90 hours
Last job:
Омский летно-технический колледж гражданской авиации имени А.В. Ляпидевского - филиал федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования "Ульяновский институт гражданской авиации имени Главного маршала авиации Б.П. Б
September 2013 — December 2018
Типы ВС: Mi-8/17
2 August 2016
By agreement, 31 years, male
Москва (ready to move)
Total flight hours:
150 hours
Last job:
Let L-410 & L-420
June 2015 — May 2016
Типы ВС: Let L-410 & L-420
6 December 2017
By agreement, 65 years, male
Москва (ready to move)
Total flight hours:
1,763 hours
Last job:
Декан факультета
Министерство образования и науки Украины
July 1998 — till now
Типы ВС: IL-76, Other - Military Fighter Jet
11 October 2021
By agreement, 37 years, male
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 4 years
Last job:
BAM GmbH - Elektrorad-Zentrale
January 2020 — December 2020

